Demand Congress End Their Shameless, Weekly Attacks on William Barr and This Administration- TODAY!
Congress has continued their attack on William Barr and the President! Now is the time to take a stand against them wasting time and to bring the end to the witch hunt game!
The House Oversite Committee voted today 25-14 in favor of holding Barr and William Ross in contempt once again for a completely unrelated matter, now it will be going to the floor and the whole House will have to vote.
The Democrats oppose the citizenship question because they believe it would dissuade immigrants from participating in the census, thus skewing population figures that would result in states with immigrant-heavy populations receiving less federal funding, as well as affecting congressional representation by skewing population figures used in drawing legislative districts.
But we know the truth! This is all about maintaining power and collecting more votes in the states that are already dark blue!
We know you're tired of these partisan games that the Democrats continue to play and that's why we need to act - TODAY! We don't want immature children who throw a fit when they don't get their way running our country.