
Tell Congress: Support a Twenty-Eighth Amendment!

Take action! Sign the petition and send a no-cost message to your U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them amend the Constitution and force the government to abide by its own rules!

“A government of the people, by the people, for the people should live under the same rules it passes for the people.” – Rep. Matt Salmon

It’s time our overgrown government be subjected to the same “rules” they set for us. 

As our lawmakers find it necessary to pass multitudes of new laws annually, it’s only proper that we require them to abide by them too. 

Already we’ve seen lawmakers exempt themselves from Obamacare – a law, they claimed, was “so good” its passage “couldn’t wait” – and we’ve seen others in government surround themselves with armed security, while they vote against our Second Amendment right to defense at every turn. 

It’s time to end the double standards and the special privileges.

The good news is: several lawmakers in both houses of Congress are getting behind the idea of a constitutional amendment that would do just this.

Take action! Sign the petition and send a no-cost message to your U.S. Representatives and Senators urging them amend the Constitution and force the government to abide by its own rules!

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