

Buy a brick and build the wall.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is holding our national security hostage...

Instead of working with President Trump to fund the Wall, Pelosi and her liberal allies are stonewalling and blocking the President and his America First immigration efforts.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are avoiding their duty to protect our borders! "Buy a Brick, Build the Wall Act" allows patriots to contribute and help build the wall.

You and I both know that the liberals' open-borders agenda is one of our country's greatest threats right now... illegal immigrants, drug dealers and notorious MS-13 gangsters, even terrorists are pouring into the country via our insecure southern border. 

That's why it's crucial you and I both take action today and petition Congress -- with special attention to the House of Representatives -- to pass a federal appropriations bill that includes funding for President Trump's Wall!

Act now! Show Nancy and Chuck you would buy a brick to build the wall. Click below to proceed to sign and send your personalized petitions to your U.S. Representative and each of your U.S. Senators.